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Requirements for Starting A Petrol / Gas Station In Kenya

Requirements for one to apply for a construction permit:

1. Applicant’s company registration certificates (for the firm developing the land)

2. ID copies of the directors.

3.Proof of land ownership (copy of title deed in the name of company/director(s) In the case of long term land lease, copy of duly executed lease agreement in the name of the Applicant company.

4.Valid EIA license from NEMA specifically authorizing development of Petrol Station.

5. Approval to construct acceleration/deceleration lanes from the relevant roads authority (KENHA/ KURA/ KeRRA whichever is applicable).

6. Development permission from the respective County Government (including County Physical Planning Office)

7. Detailed construction drawings by the respective engineers indicating:

A) Mechanical engineer’s drawings specifying materials and design/ operational limitations (Underground petroleum tank(s) designs & pipework layout)

B) Civil engineer’s drawings showing details

Of Underground tank cradle & backfill designs; Forecourt layout & surface designs; General drainage & OWS layout/ designs NOTE:

(1) All drawings are to be done by respective class of professional engineers or firm(s) registered as such (attach proof). These shall, at minimum, Take into consideration the Kenya Standards for Petroleum Retail Stations namely and in particular KS 1969:2014 & KS 2506:2014

(2) Review of an application takes a maximum of 45 days and may be a subject of site visit if the Commission so requires.

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